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I am the storm Yoga

We are inclusive, warm and friendly, we invite you to join us for class. Let yoga and well being take you on a unique journey uniting mind body and soul.

Yoga in a historic working 
watermill in Letheringsett

It does not matter where you start from.  You could be a complete beginner or perhaps you know your sun salutations inside out, either way, you will be welcomed to class here. Remove all expectation or judgement and let us guide you with care through the class of your choice.

The benefits of yoga are infinite, often felt from the very first class. Let slowness and peace infiltrate your life, calming those inner storms. Once you have experienced the bliss of a savasana it is hard to not keep coming back to the mat.


​What we teach:

Please check FAQ for class descriptions.

  • Hatha yoga 

  • Vinyasa 

  • Yin 

  • Restorative Yoga

  • Yoga Nidra 

  • Breathwork Pranayama

  • Meditation 

  • Weight lifting

Dog Waving Paw

Selfless service


May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.


This is a karma path with the intention of acting/living/being of selfless service.


As a non profit yoga group our money goes to Arundawn dog rescue and Animal Shelter Agonda.



Clare gave the most gorgeous yoga lessons I’ve ever been to. She oozes a warmth and kindness which meant I felt super relaxed and safe and genuinely looked forward to each class.


She went at just the right speed for all of us to follow along, with clear and easy directions to follow. I particularly enjoyed the yin - which I’ve never done before - and it was so powerful!


That said, my favourite part of it all was her commentary - with just the right amount of thought provoking words to hold on to, it was beautiful. I came away feeling refreshed and reset for the day ahead. Thank you for your magic Clare ✨💖

Penny Taggart


Yoga Practice

Ask us anything we are here to assist you

 Address Letheringsett watermill, Riverside road, Holt NR25 7YD

Thankyou for contacting us, we are usually able to respond within 24 hours.

May we introduce ourselves 

Finding the right teacher, space and class for you are the first steps. This time is uniquely , soul -fully just for you to connect back to yourself. Let us welcome and support you without expectation or judgement or any notions of perfectionism.  Let your own wellness journey unfold naturally at your own pace.

  • What are the different types of classes?
    Class names LIFT - weight lifting Ideal for beginners with EMMA Tuesday mornings at the mill - 0930 Description : It runs for an initial 6-8 week period with 4 training phases: Stability- we focus on mobility, upper and lower unilateral exercises using bodyweight and dumbbells, banded glute work and core exercises to strengthen around joints & highlight any weaknesses to be worked on. Fundamentals - we begin compound movements squats, deadlifts, chest press, rows, shoulder press amongst others, focussing on form & technique, super setting upper and lower to get the most out of an hour so we can target full body. We also continue the accessory work from previous weeks. Build - we start to explore progressive overload methods, including same muscle group super sets, tri-sets & giant sets. Grow - we begin to add challenge progressively overloading with combination exercises, time under tension, extra reps, half reps, pauses or potentially upping the weight. The idea is to then continue this work, shifting it up a gear every 4-6 weeks running term to term, so that you gradually build strength, sculpt lean muscle and gain confidence. Perfect for beginner’s but also a nice start back if you have had a break from exercising or lifting. LIFT AND SCULPT With Emma At the mill Tuesdays -1730 For those progressing from the initial Lift basic class or for weight lifters with some experience. Please Email Emma directly for any further questions regarding the weight lifting classes Email PAUSE YOGA with Emma At the mill Tuesdays 1830 Hatha flow based yoga balancing energies, moving from one posture to the next utilising the breath- suitable for everyone. RISE AND SHINE YOGA 0730 Wednesdays at the mill with Clare. Hatha yoga, using the breath to unite mind body and soul easing you into the day ahead, focusing on foundational yoga poses. HATHA VINYASA FLOW At the mill with Clare Wednesdays 0930 Yoga to balance us in this busy world, flowing from one pose to the next focusing on combined breathing with movement. Suitable for those with some yoga experience. HATHA YOGA At the mill with Clare 1100 Wednesdays A class for all levels, Hatha yoga balances our energy in our bodies, with the use of breath. We hold the poses/asanas for several breaths at the time focusing on finding the ease in the pose whilst aiming to unite mind body and soul. VINYASA At the mill with Clare 1800 Thursdays Vinyasa yoga is a creative form of yoga where poses are linked together with the breath often in a flowing sequence. The beauty of Vinyasa yoga is the variety. There is no standard sequence in Vinyasa yoga, often focusing on moving the body with one breath on movement at a time. Vinyasa will vary in pace and intensity from class to class. PRANAYAMA, MEDIATATION & GENTLE YOGA (BROKEN BISCUITS CLASS) At the mil 0900 with Clare on Fridays. A class for those who want to go slow. A very gentle paced class with Pranayama (breathwork) Meditation and gentle Hatha based yoga. Suitable for everyone or anyone returning to movement after injury, illness or for those just wishing find some calm and grounding and peace in life. Other classes that we teach will be coming soon this winter season. YIN YOGA NIDRA RESTORATIVE YOGA SOUND BATHS Please feel free to come and try any class we do our best to teach intuitively and invite you to always go at your own pace as you know your body best. If there are any further questions about any of the classes or where to start please contact us. Please seek the advice from your GP before starting any new physical class, especially if you are returning after injury or illness.
  • What do I need to know?
    Do I need to bring a mat?  If you are coming to classes at the watermill everything will be there for you to use, we ask that you can wipe your mat down and put it away at the end of your class please. If you prefer to bring your own mat that is ok too ! Can I pay in cash?  we can take payment on line via our website or by bank transfer or you can still pay by cash in class. If the pay of living is tricky at this time please still come along and pay what you can? I am a beginner what is the best class for me?  Any of the Hatha classes will be a good starting place, feel free to contact us with any other questions. How do I get to the class locations ? You will find the Watermill off of the A148 just outside Holt. Letheringsett Watermill Riverside Road  Letheringsett  Holt, Norfolk  NR25 7YD The Glaven bistro  The Barns Glandford Holt NR25 7JP Salthouse beach  Footpath opposite Grouts lane (Summertime only) Warners End barn Saxlingham NR25 7LA (New winter venue when the mill gets chilly) Do I need to be fit to start yoga ? Come and start where you are, if you can breathe you can do yoga. You do not need to be flexible either. Any concerns or health issues just drop us a private message. I can’t make it every week can I still come along ? There is plenty of room , come and go as it suits you, please let us know if you have booked and cannot make it, we can transfer your class payment to another time.  Do I need to book to come along ? It helps us to know how many people we need to set up for , if you forget to contact us you are still very welcome. Maybe just drop us a message to check there is still space. What if I am running late ? Life happens, please just come in quietly being mindful of others around you. Do I need to take my shoes and socks off? Shoes,  yes please,  we lay on the floors we try to keep it as clean as possible , shoes can be left just at the bottom of the stairs under the sign that says park your shoes here. Socks that’s up to you ? Yoga is usually done bare footed so you can grip better on the mat. I paid for a class pass but can’t make it for a bit ? Your class pass will be valid for 1 year from purchase. A yoga disclaimer what is that ? we ask you to fill this form out so we know what is going on physically and mentally for you this is so we can make sure we offer modifications, adjustments -we also have your emails on file for any newsletters or if in an emergency we need to contact someone on your behalf. All information is stored confidentially in line with GDPR. If you have any other questions or queries, want to book us for private 1-2-1 classes or retreat, festival work please feel free to email us Thanks Clare & Emma.
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